Category: Justice

Climate Up Close: Event This Saturday, January 8

Susan Robinson, Tallahassee Green Faith Alliance (TFGA) co-chair, invites all to join a conversation with Climate Up Close, a panel of climate scientists from Harvard, NOAA, UC Berkeley, and NYU Saturday at 11 AM. This event is hosted by Temple Israel, and co sponsored by TFGA (UUCT is a member), The Nature Conservancy, Rethink Energy […]

How will we be accountable for our actions?

An antiracist, anti-oppressive congregation is a learning community. Our progress will follow a cycle of reflection — action — evaluation. The questions we ask and the answers we give will be our measures for accountability. Our work will be partial and ongoing as racism and oppressions are deeply embedded in our history, our community, and […]

What oppressions are included in “other oppressions?”

Any and all oppressions that result in people being treated as less valuable than others are included. Oppressions that hold up a false standard of white-male-abled persons as “normal” or “better than” are included. A partial list can include sexism, heterosexism, cissexism and ableism. Classism is included, too, because income, education, and housing are all […]

How do we balance the urgency of racism with that of climate change?

The two issues intersect. Effects of global climate change are disproportionately affecting communities of color. Historically, authorities treated minority neighborhoods as less valuable; as a result, they are more vulnerable to flooding, storm damage, and increasing temperatures. The residents may also be less resilient due to economic disparity and health conditions. Actions against climate change […]

If we adopt the 8th Principle, what about UUCT (as an institution) will change?

The 8th Principles asks us to understand how racism and other oppressions affect us as individuals and as a congregation. It challenges us to consistently build relationships of mutual trust and responsibility across lines of difference. Together, we will examine white-centered practices in our congregational life including structure, leadership, and worship. We will change these […]

What have other UU congregations done as a result of adopting the 8th Principle?

Other UU congregations:  Host ongoing opportunities for learning including anti-racism and anti-bias workshops and training.  Encourage and practice support of local businesses owned by Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and other peoples of color.  Audit their church by-laws, policies, and practices. Explore reparations projects.  Financially support participation of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and other peoples of […]

How can we accomplish the monumental task of dismantling racism?

The concept of race was created centuries ago to support a system of enslaving people. We won’t dismantle the effects of this long history of racism through our efforts alone. We won’t even completely dismantle racism and other oppressions in our congregation. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to do whatever we can. We can […]

8th Principle Article: History of Our Principles

My last Meridian Article introduced the Principles as adopted in the 1960s. The first major revision was in the mid 1980s. It is striking to read the original 6. They reflect their time. The language is male-centered and Judeo-Christian is the only religious tradition. The members of the UU Women’s Federation [UUWF] took issue. There […]

Help Shape Tallahassee’s Clean Energy Future

Community-wide Meetings are Scheduled for Early December to create a roadmap toward our community’s clean energy future, the City of Tallahassee is hosting another series of community meetings to provide an update on the planning process and seek the community’s input on next steps. To support community-wide participation, multiple dates and venues are available (both […]