Category: Green Sanctuary

2024 Sustainable Communities Summit

The Green Sanctuary Team reminds you to join Leon County Government on Saturday, May 18, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Eastside Branch Library and Pedrick Pond Park to engage in the pursuit of a greener tomorrow at the 2024 Sustainable Communities Summit. Citizens can register for this free event at This year, […]

Tribute to Earth Day

I’d like to carry on the concept of interdependence highlighted in the April 21st Sunday service. This planet is truly our home and like any home needs care and tending. Our place in the magnificent web of life is worthy of deep contemplation. As our 7th Principle states, we honor the interdependent web of all […]

Movie and a Meal Event Update

Our Movie and a Meal event on the Ides of March was a great success. Twenty people came out for the event where we enjoyed hearty chili with rice and as much bread as one could eat, along with some tasty cookies and cupcakes. A big thanks to all those who brought in the food […]

March 15th Movie and a Meal Event

Come one, come all to the Green Sanctuary’s Movie & Meal Fundraiser Event. The event will be held Friday evening on March 15th in the Sanctuary of the UU Church of Tallahassee, 2810 N. Meridian Road. The modest meal (soup & bread) will start at 6:00 pm, and the family friendly documentary by the National […]

The Green Sanctuary Team (GST) is on a Mission

Yes indeed, the GST is on a mission, and that mission is to repair or replace four malfunctioning solar panels and associated wiring in our 10Kw solar array. Toward that end the GST had requested $300 in the upcoming fy 24-25 budget to be combined with the $1,200 some dollars that currently reside in the […]

Share the Plate with Rethink Energy Florida

ReThink Energy Florida is a nonprofit whose mission is to engage, educate, and empower Floridians to take action and achieve a just transition to clean energy for a healthier, more sustainable environment through youth education, adult engagement and community organizing. This year, in addition to our usual programs, such as our Energy Camp and the advocacy […]

Share the Plate with UU Ministry for the Earth

The UU Ministry for Earth (UUMFE) is an independent non-profit organization that works to inspire, facilitate, and support personal, congregational, and denominational practices that honor and sustain the Earth and all beings. UUMFE supports UUs in connecting with others to grow our faith, providing resources for each other and organizing or action through its three […]

Climate Action Corner

Climate Action can take many forms: mitigation through reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation through preparation, and advocacy for those measures at the world, federal, state and local level.  Using a navy call for “all hands on deck”, personal responsibility is also key.  The experts on energy issues have often said “There is no such thing […]

Climate Up Close: Event This Saturday, January 8

Susan Robinson, Tallahassee Green Faith Alliance (TFGA) co-chair, invites all to join a conversation with Climate Up Close, a panel of climate scientists from Harvard, NOAA, UC Berkeley, and NYU Saturday at 11 AM. This event is hosted by Temple Israel, and co sponsored by TFGA (UUCT is a member), The Nature Conservancy, Rethink Energy […]