Category: Justice

March 2025 Green Sanctuary Good News Corner

The District of Columbia’s Environmental Film Festival (DCEFF) This will be the 32nd year the District of Columbia has held its famous environmental film festival.  Since 1993, DCEFF has been the premier showcase of environmental films. Each March, they’ve brought the world’s largest green film festival to museums, embassies, universities, and other cultural institutions across Washington DC. […]

Food for Thought Comes to a Close, Making Space for a New Climate Justice Group in the Coming New Year

November has moved on and our thanks for this year’s harvest is now in the rearview mirror. Having a climate-friendly vegetarian/vegan harvest celebration potluck as our last Food for Thought gathering was a real delight. And, the fact that it tied in so well with the Sunday’s service made it extra special. As we move […]

Food for Thought: September 2024

This month’s meeting will be another somewhat unconventional meeting for us all in that we will be hosting a post carding party and further discussion about our church’s decision to proceed with UUA’s Climate Justice Revival on October 5th and 6th. The post carding party will be for all those that wish to finish up […]

The System Isn’t Broken

The system is working exactly the way it was designed to work. It helps those in power to stay in power.It limits the voices of marginalized populations.It perpetuates systemic racism.Let’s break the system! Come to one of our five Capital Area Justice Meeting (CAJM) house meetings in September and October to share your stories of […]

Green Sanctuary Good News Corner : September 2024

The UK’s energy transition passed a ‘tipping point’It was the UK’s number one source of electricity for 28 years running, but gas’ carbon- belching reign is finally over. For the first time, wind has provided the bulk of the country’s electricity over an entire year.  Data compiled by Imperial College London showed that over the […]

Capital Area Justice Ministry (CAJM) News

What is your JUSTICE issue? Food Insecurity? Climate Change? Mental Health Access? This year CAJM network members will choose a new issue to bring about changes in Tallahassee and surrounding areas. Here is when and what for this year: August is the time for planning. There will be a UUCT Team Leader Brunch and meeting […]

Food for Thought Champions Climate Justice

Well, here we are with August creeping in on us and it’s not getting any cooler. At least hurricanes have been at bay for our area, but Texas certainly wasn’t as lucky. Let’s hope all stays quiet. I know I said we’d be taking off the summer and I’d only be sending you reading resources […]

Green Sanctuary Good News Corner

1.5 billion fewer plastic bags used in Colorado thanks to fee, Boulder recycling centerestimates  | Denver7Denver7 reported in January that after a year of the statewide fee on single-use plastic bags, the Eco Cycle recycling centre in Boulder estimated between 1.5 billion and 1.8 billion fewer plastic bags were used in Colorado in 2023. A Minnesota Utility Is […]

Climate Action: UUCT Electric Usage and You

Happy New Year! …church fiscal year that is! This is a good time to make a climate action resolution while being more fiscally prudent. One important way to have a climate mitigation impact and save money is to use less electricity. Simple actions like turning off unnecessary lights (outdoor lights while the sun is shining) […]

Green Sanctuary’s Good News Corner – July 2024

Here are some short, interesting stories that bring hope that change, and innovation are indeed possible. Click on the highlighted links to read more about the details of each story. A momentous day for nature’: EU approves first-of-its-kind law that could bring back biodiversityAfter months of deliberations, the EU’s Nature Restoration Law has finally been […]