Board Notes ─ October 2022

Cheers to the Women’s Lunch Bunch for their success in engaging all participants, online as well as in person! The Board encourages all church groups and teams to put their hearts as well as their heads into intentional inclusion of online participants in meetings and activities.

At the October 27 meeting board members, Reverend Holly, and others in attendance discussed the changes already made and other steps to take to offer a more inclusive worship service for those who attend online. The Board recognizes the need to do what we can within the limitations of the technology we have, since the tech improvements in the current budget are months away. To improve the experience (and to reduce reliance on our minister for tech duties), the Board approved: 

  • Creation of a tech facilitator position for up to five hours a week. The personnel and finance committee will develop a recommendation for the Board regarding the position.

Reports updated the Board on the Nominating Committee work on leadership development and governance re-design; discussion meetings to be scheduled re: creation of policies for the endowment fund; and the progress on creating search committees for the Developmental Minister and the Director of Religious Education. 

Related to the DRE search, the Board approved:

  • Reduction of the required number voting members for DRE search committee from five to four.

At the recommendation of the Finance Committee, the board approved:

  • Creation of an Our Whole Lives fund to receive and dispense funds for UUCT’s OWL ministry, including managing funds for hosting facilitator trainings, scholarships for sending UUCT guides to trainings, and materials and supplies to support the program. (Full details will be added to Manual of Policies and Procedures as section H.4.X)
  • Addition of Aun-drey Brown to list of credit card holders; card to be used for youth group expenses.

The Board approved the consent agenda (September board minutes and financial reports).

The remaining 2022 board meetings are on third Thursdays: November 17 and December 15, at 6:30. Congregants are welcome to attend to observe or to address the Board. To receive the zoom link and agenda or to be added to the agenda, contact the board president at: