Board Minutes: September 2024

Board-Member Attendees: Chase Den Beste, Marty Beech, Annette Pierce, Sally Anderson, Kim Ross
Ex Officio: EN Hill
Guest: Committee on Ministry member Erika Frisby

The meeting was called to order with a check-in from all attendees. The consent agenda was reviewed and approved without changes.

The Finance Committee proposed applying for the original 501(c)(3) letter, which required board approval. The motion was passed unanimously.

A request from the Building and Grounds Committee to use Capital Improvement funds for cleaning and waxing was presented. However, there were not enough funds available. The Finance Committee recommended covering the cost using the “Other Capital Expenses” account. (Clarification: The payment for cleaning and waxing was actually taken from the Capital Improvement Fund and the Reserve Fund because the request for payment had already been completed before the board meeting. ). There was some discussion about whether the banner cost could be paid out of the communications budget, and it was noted that the two new thermostats had already been covered. There was also a question about the status of the roof leak, with the Minister agreeing to follow up. A motion was made to approve the expense, seconded, and passed unanimously.

An update on computer purchases was provided. Previously, the board had approved spending up to $3,500 to replace desktops. Through TechSoup, three computers were purchased for $1,800, including a warranty plan. A technician has been hired to install the systems, and Ethernet repairs have been completed. However, a booster is needed for Room L.

The liaisons had no major updates. There was a discussion about how to handle congregants’ concerns about leadership stability, with one suggestion to funnel those concerns into a support team. Another board member raised concerns about overburdening individuals already involved. The Minister mentioned that the casual nature of the liaison meetings was helpful for reducing stress. It was also discussed whether the guest from the Committee on Ministry could attend regularly as a liaison. The board briefly touched on the status of tech staff, with the Minister clarifying that they currently supervise the staff member.

A potential donation of a sculpture was discussed. It was suggested that decisions about accepting the sculpture be referred to the GLOW group to ensure everyone understands the commitment involved. A stained-glass window featuring a chalice was also shared and will be referred to GLOW.

An update on the music leader search was provided. Several individuals had stepped in to help with the choir. The substitute musician, Valarie Howington, in particular was praised for their preparation, confidence, and ability to handle hiccups gracefully. Compensation for their role as a substitute musician on Sundays and Wednesdays was discussed, with the substitute musician expressing that they were not interested in a permanent director position. The choir search timeline was reviewed, noting that no applications were received over the summer. The Minister recommended continuing the search for a permanent music leader.

Finally, a follow-up on the recent board retreat was discussed. The board agreed to schedule a follow-up meeting on October 13th from 7:15 to 8:30 PM to further discuss the board’s vision and other topics from the retreat.