Are You Used to Writing 2024 Yet?

Food for Thought

Yes, the new year is really on us now. How does it feel wearing this new year as you shimmy into its new outfit? Well, the first month of this new year has blown by and on February 11th we’ll be having our second meeting this year for our Food for Thought discussion group. First, a quick thanks to our co facilitators last month Dana West and Georgia Ackerman for carrying the torch when I was out of town. I hope you’ll have time to join us this month after church on the 11th at 1:30pm. Bring a bag lunch and some snacks to share if you’re so inclined and be ready for rousing discussion focused on food and
climate, or anything else related to keeping our life giving planet healthy and thriving.

This month we’ll be discussing an uplifting award winning fictional short story about addressing climate change, an article in the Guardian about the human “behavioral crisis” at the root of climate breakdown, an article in the New York Times about the critical nature of crop diversity and a review of a study addressing the hypocrisy of “so- called” climate conscious media outlets. If we have time, we’ll also watch a short clip of the Ginger Ninja Rock band that toured California and Mexico on their bikes and powered all their concerts by bike power and watch a few bits of Dr. Greger’s talk describing his new book “How Not to Age”.

If you have any questions, ideas for upcoming meetings or would like to be added to our email list, please let Ed Oaksford know at We will continue to meet on the second Sunday after church each month.

Happy eating and stay healthy!