Ethical Eating Evenings at UUCT!

In January, when we gathered for an Ethical Eating Evening, we viewed the video, Wasted! The Story of Food Waste.  We learned about the amount of food waste in our society and how by cutting back on food waste, we will be helping hungry people, animals and climate change, as well!

Please join us this month for an “ethical” potluck dinner on Friday evening, February 28th, at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary.  Bring a dish that is more environmentally friendly and/or more compassionate to animals and humans.  After dinner we’ll discuss reasons why we should all be eating more ethically and what are plans are for the future.  Newcomers are welcomed!

Please RSVP to Linda Oaksford at Note that we are meeting earlier than usual at 6:00 PM

by Linda Oaksford