November has moved on and our thanks for this year’s harvest is now in the rearview mirror. Having a climate-friendly vegetarian/vegan harvest celebration potluck as our last Food for Thought gathering was a real delight. And, the fact that it tied in so well with the Sunday’s service made it extra special.
As we move into the shortening days of December and having had some time to digest the value of our Climate Justice Revival, it seems like the lessons offered by the event provide the perfect segue for the Food for Thought discussion group to evolve into something more church-wide and holistic in nature. The single paramount lesson of the Climate Justice Revival was for us to avoid “Carbon Tunnel Vision”. Considering that fact, it would be important to recognize that our Food for Thought discussion group was guilty of that transgression, focusing on just one element of climate justice. Therefore, considering that fact, it seems that it would be appropriate to bring the Food for Thought discussion group to a close as we await the formation of a new more all-encompassing group that would more effectively address the broader range of climate justice issues and intersectionality that exists therein.
All that being said, the harvest celebration potluck represented a climactic culmination of the Food for Thought discussion group. Therefore, there will be no December 8th meeting or meetings going forward into the next year. Our harvest celebration potluck will have served as our final gathering. That gathering will have brought to a close more than 5 years of lively discussions focused on food and food systems and their relationship to planetary and human health. So, it is only fitting at this time we thank Linda Oaksford for starting this group and reminiscing the many highlights of the groups’ actions that hopefully have forged the way ahead to a new coalition of members addressing a wider range of climate justice issues.
For any of you still interested in food and food issues, please know that Linda and I will continue to promote church-wide climate-friendly potlucks and pursue our collective quest to provide the community with useful educational information on sustainable food systems and dietary practices as they relate to climate justice. And, if you’re a fan of the monthly Green Sanctuary’s Good News Corner, rest assured I will continue that tradition into the future to keep all apprised of the good things that are continually happening to positively mitigate climate change.
So, in summary, the Food for Thought discussion group is being disbanded and will no longer meet making way for a more comprehensive climate justice group to be formed in the upcoming calendar year. There will, however, be a Congregational Voting meeting on Sunday December 8th after the service. Hope to see you all at this important meeting.