Board Minutes: August 2024

Board-Member Attendees: Chase Den Beste, Marty Beech, Alden Hutchison, Kim
Ross, Sally Andersen.

Positive news was shared regarding staff feeling supported by efforts from staff
liaisons. New rental activity at the church has been positive. A closed session was
announced at the end of the meeting.

A summary of budgeted versus actual expenditures was presented. Prepaid pledges
from the following year were counted in the current year, with many prepaid pledges at
the end of the year. Expenditures were under budget in some staff categories due to
staff starting after July of the fiscal year. No transfer from reserves or endowment was
needed to cover the year. Investments have performed well. The building has not been
appraised in many years, which could increase the value of fixed investments; however,
no appraisal is necessary as there are no plans to sell. A chart was shown with Share
the Plate distributions.

Staff computers need updating as the current operating system will soon be obsolete.
The finance committee recommended replacing all three computers with reserve fund
money rather than just one. Additionally, a repair to the ethernet cable in Room L was
discussed. The recommendation was to purchase new computers rather than
refurbished ones. A motion to approve an expenditure of up to $3,500 for the cost of
computers and the ethernet cable repair passed unanimously.

The finance committee recommended adopting the 2025 UUA Retirement Plan. A
motion to adopt the plan was approved unanimously. Job Descriptions Update:
A discussion was held regarding updates to staff job descriptions. Staff members had
the opportunity to review their job descriptions and make suggestions. These suggested
updates will go through personnel and then back to the board. The process was
considered a positive experience for clarifying responsibilities.

The role and duties of liaisons were discussed. Liaisons support staff, serve as a
sounding board, and help find solutions, but they are not supervisors. An example given
was providing assistance with computer troubles. The next steps with liaisons will be
determined after the personnel meeting, with a “wait and see” approach to adding more

The board discussed proposed ideas for the retreat agenda. Given the limited time,
the focus will be on goal setting and topics meaningful to the board. Members of the
leadership committee might attend. Topics suggested include the role of a policy board,
programming, staffing needs, and setting goals. One board member will prepare a
broad agenda for the retreat.

September Board Meeting Date: Thursday, September 26, 2024.
The date works for all members.